Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Instagram Photo Challenge | April 2015

So every now and again I come across these photo challenges on Instagram and every time I think: "yeah I'll do that easily!". Who knew following a list and posting a photo daily would be such a challenge! I always give up by about day 10, if not earlier! conveniently it is the 1st of April, I have created my own version of the daily photo challenge and once again I'm putting myself to the test to see if I can actually complete one (bonus points if each picture is posted on time too)!! 

Feel free to join in with me and follow me on Instagram! Make sure you use the hashtags #AprilPhotoChallenge and #MakeEverythingGlitter or tag me so I can see how you get on! 




  1. OMGosh. I tried a daily photo challenge once, and I think I lasted 4 days! It's much harder than I thought to stay committed! But this looks like a great list!

  2. Great idea!
    I would join in but I know I would never be able to keep it up. It'll probably only for like a week or so before I start forgetting!

    Gem x
