Monday 30 March 2015

GlossyBox Review

I have been subscribed to beauty box subscription GlossyBox for a couple of years now and want to use my blog as a platform to share with you just how good I think this service is!

GlossyBox is a monthly subscription service that delivers a box full of 5 different beauty products that range from well known brands, high end brands and new, emerging brands. 

They have 4 different payment plans and you can decide which one works best for you - check them out here. Personally, I pay £10 a month (+ P&P) and the best part about this subscription is that you can cancel it at anytime, hassle free. 

I've found that every month I receive great value for money. You will either receive sample size products or full size products. Sometimes the full size products are worth more than the price you pay each month, which in my opinion is great! Each month will vary from loving all 5 products or sometimes I will only use 1 out of the 5 products. If this is the case, I'll pass products on to friends or family who will make better use of them. 

Another aspect that I love is the packaging! Each box is reusable and well made (I actually use mine to store all my nail polishes) and I keep all the ribbons as they come in handy when crafting. Typically each box is the same design - a beautiful dusty, pale pink, printed with the GlossyBox logo - however, they often release special edition boxes that are equally, if not, even more beautiful. I've had a sneak peak on the GlossyBox website and I've noticed that April's box will be a Collectors Edition Iconic Hollywood box edition which looks amazing! Have a sneak peak for yourself here.

I'm going to review each box I receive from now on and I can't wait for April's to arrive! :D 

I highly recommend GlossyBox and would love to know if you subscribe to any other beauty boxes?


*This post is NOT sponsored and all opinions are my own* 


  1. I love using the boxes for makeup & nail polish! Some of the boxes are really nice aren't they! And wow, I can't wait for the April one, it does look amazing! :) xx

    1. I have a huge amount now, going to have to start finding other uses for them! I'm looking forward to April's! xx

    2. I have a huge amount now, going to have to start finding other uses for them! I'm looking forward to April's! xx
