Saturday, 21 March 2015

Alphabet Dates - 'C'

March was the month for date 'C'. (Yes, we've not done 'B' yet but that's because I've been so stressed and preoccupied with coursework that February just disappeared so we may just skip 'B' lol!)

After having a homemade curry, we went to Cineworld cinema to watch the latest in the Divergent trilogy - Insurgent. 

I'm not the biggest film fanatic and I have to be in a certain mood to sit down and watch one (Am I the only one who feels like this?!) however, when we watched Divergent on DVD, I really, really enjoyed it and surprisingly for me, found the story line easy to follow. It was surprising because these films aren't usually my type. 

I had high hopes for Insurgent and was looking forward to watching it.
I enjoyed the story line however, it was action packed and I was on the edge of my seat for pretty much the whole film! As an anxious person, I found it difficult to take it all in. We watched it in 3D and some of the scenes made me feel a bit queasy. 

I won't go into the story line because I don't want to give away any spoilers. 

It was nice to stare at a screen for a couple of hours that didn't involve typing 4000 words! 
Now I need to make a huge effort for date 'D'! But I'm seriously stuck for ideas! 

Help me out and comment your ideas below?! (Maybe I could combine B&D!)



  1. This is a really interesting concept, alphabet dates. Never heard of it before but sounds like a good idea. Now I just need to find a babysitter. lol

  2. 'D' could be for date night, or 'dodging chocolate' - it will be Easter after all!


  3. D... hmm you could go Dancing? Natural History Museum to see the dinosaurs? :D

    Ashleigh x

    ♥ ♡ ♥ Being Ashleigh - Lifestyle and Fashion blog ♥ ♡ ♥
