Thursday, 26 February 2015

Alphabet Dates

Me and Joe have been together for a long time now and living together means we see each other pretty much 24/7.  
Even though we see each other all the time, we never really put any time aside for 'us'. We never really did anything as a couple, other than watch films on the sofa or hang out with friends. 

A while ago a colleague of mine intrigued me in the idea of the Alphabet Date nights and I thought it was an amazing idea (Thank you Hannah)!! It gave me and Joe the perfect opportunity to once a month, make an effort and plan a fun and different date in turn - do the maths and that's 2 years and 2 months worth of dates! 

Joe started it off with the letter 'A' in January by surprising me with an American themed dinner and a game of beer pong before settling down to watch a film.

I was really impressed that Joe had gone to the effort of buying the iconic red party cups and novelty dollar bill napkins! It was my first time playing beer pong and we certainly had a laugh - what more could you ask for?!

That's the beauty of this idea; the dates don't need to be expensive or lavish, they can be creatively done at home and for free!

It's my turn next with the letter 'B' - watch this space ;) 

If anyone has any ideas for what we can do for the rest of the alphabet then please share in the comments!


Monday, 23 February 2015

DIY iPhone Case

I'm constantly changing my phone case & shopping for new ones on the Internet. 

I was looking for a unique & personal case for my iPhone but just couldn't find one so I decided to make my own! 

I bought a clear plastic case for 99p on the web & using my hot glue gun, glued different coloured and sized buttons on the back. 

It took all of 15 minutes & I was pleased with the outcome! 

I got lots of compliments on my unique, DIY phone case! 

I hope this gives you some inspiration to create your own! 


Friday, 20 February 2015

Upcycling Pallets - DIY Headboard

Pinterest has been fueling me with DIY projects that I want to re-create.

I felt our bedroom was in need of a statement piece of furniture and I've become obsessed with up cycling pallets so I decided to make a headboard for our bedroom.

Joe, my amazing other half, could luckily get hold of some pallets and came home with 3, ready to start our project.

All 3 together are about 6 foot long.

Joe did all the handy work and assembled them all together (I wasn't around when he did this, so no pictures - sorry!). He attached some legs to it to help support the weight, sanded it down and added a clear varnish.

Once it was finished and in the bedroom, he attached it to the wall and surprised me when I got home from work.

It was safe to say, I was definitely surprised because it looked HUGE! It took some getting used too but now I absolutely love it and the fact that it was free to make, makes me even happier! :D

Huge thank you to Joe for all his hardwork! 


I've finally found the time (and guts) to start my own blog! I've been wanting to do this for quite a while now but kept finding excuses to put it off!
I've got lots of ideas of posts I want to create and share with you; I really hope you enjoy them! 

A little bit about me:

I'm 21 years old and work full time as a teaching assistant whilst studying for my degree. I live with my partner of 7 years and our two cats; they're adorable!
Pebbles & Bam-Bam

I love to craft and create and think there's nothing better than handmade, DIY gifts and treasures.

Alongside all that, I'm a typical 'girly girl' who loves make-up, perfume, nail polish and of course, is a self confessed shopaholic!! 
